Öppet bjj-sparringpass i solidaritet med folkets kamp i iran

Öppet BJJ-sparringpass i solidaritet med folkets kamp i Iran

Söndag 23 oktober håller Arash Javanbahkt, BJJ-instruktör på Fighter Centre, en 12 timmar lång sparringsession på Fighter Centre – öppet för alla att delta, från alla klubbar i Göteborg!

Mellan kl 11-23 är det öppen BJJmatta på Fighter Centre i solidaritet med folket i Iran. Det behövs ingen anmälan innan, utan bara att dyka upp. Och det är valfritt man vill sparras i Gi eller NoGi. Alla är varmt välkomna!

Arash Javanbahkt:

”To my friends in the jiujitsu community. I wanted to share something with you in regards to recent events in Iran. My hope is that this will have a reach far outside of the confides of our community. It’s a long text but please bear with me.

I’m of Iranian descent and a first generation immigrant in Sweden. My family moved here when I was 6 years old, because of an oppressive regime in my home country. I’m truly grateful for being able to grow up in a free country where I’ve had opportunities to educate myself and been able to succeed in any endeavor I desired. Many in Iran have not had the same opportunities as I have, nor have they been able to live in freedom because of the same oppressive regime my family fled from some 30 years ago. As you might have seen on social media over the past couple of weeks, the people of Iran have started an uprising against this oppressive regime, following the beating and subsequent death of a young Kurdish-Iranian girl Mahsa Amini. The regime’s reaction to this uprising has been brutal. Young women and men are being unlawfully detained, kidnapped, shot at and beaten in the streets, raped and tortured and some have also been killed by the regimes police force. Only because they dared to oppose the oppression of the government and expressed a will to live in freedom. I feel a deep sense of sympathy for my people and share their struggle and hope to see a free Iran.

But living overseas, I’m limited in what I can do. So the little I can do, I will do; to bring awareness, to be a witness, to be a small voice for the oppressed, and to let the my countrymen know that they are not forgotten. I’m asking and hoping that you, my jiujitsu-community, want to join me in this demonstration. In an effort to bring awareness to this cause, I will be organizing a 12 hour open mat at Fighter Centre in Gothenburg on Sunday the 23rd of October 2022. The open mat will be held between the hours of 11.00 – 23.00, where I myself will be there to spar with whoever that wants to come through and show their support. You can roll with me or others visiting during the demonstration hours. People from all gyms are welcome to join in and you can roll in the gi or nogi. There’s no registration in advance, so everyone is free to show up whenever they can during those hours and stay however long they want.

Please if you will, share this post with your friends, the more the merrier, tag or send this to journalist you might know or news outlets. The more awareness we can bring to the matter, the better. Thank you so much in advance.”

Location: Fighter Centre – Viktoriagatan 19, Göteborg
Date: the 23rd of October 2022
Time: 11.00-23.00